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发布时间:2023-12-18        浏览次数:16        返回列表

合肥DHL快递-合肥DHL国际快递价格折扣优惠 合肥DHL Express 在其 2025 年战略的核心中特别关注“电子商务”作为增长动力和“效率”,以进一步提高其利润。B777F 的有效载荷能力为 102 吨,航程为 9,200 公里,是所有双引擎货机中*大的容量和航程。它们还比老式飞机更省油、更可靠,并将二氧化碳排放量减少 18%。DHL Express 运营着 260 多架专用飞机,与 17 家合作航空公司合作,每天在 220 个国家和地区提供 3,000 多趟航班。

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hefei DHL Express, the world’s leading international express service provider, is receiving six new Boeing 777F-200 cargo aircraft this year. The first of these planes to come in 2020 landed last Thursday at its future base of operations, the Cincinnati/Northern Kentucky International Airport (CVG). In 2018 DHL ordered 14 new Boeing 777F, with four delivered in 2019, six to come this year and the remaining four to be taken into service in 2021. The current freighter will be operated by DHL Express’ partner airline Kalitta. The renewal is part of the overall modernization of the long-haul intercontinental fleet of the courier company and replaces older planes. The Boeing 777F is equipped with top-of-the-line fuel-efficient technology and features the longest range at full payload of any widebody freighter aircraft. This allows DHL to operate with higher efficiency while meeting the increasing global demand for express logistics service.

  • 地址:安徽省合肥市蜀山区习友路1688号
  • 手机:18005690562
  • 传真:0551-65856380
  • 联系人:陈浩